Posts Tagged traffic citation

Speeding or Traffic Ticket? Talk to a Lawyer!

No matter where you are driving in the United States, one constant exists: Drive over the Speed Limit and you are probably going to receive a ticket.  These tickets that are administered by various law enforcement agencies are meant to levy punishments against the driver as a form of deterrence.  These punishments normally include: fines/court costs; potential points/infractions on one’s driving record; required attendance to a driving school and a potential increase in insurance premiums.  Public safety is the main reason for deterrence, and these Speeding tickets (along with other traffic citations) serve as a way to help prevent accidents and keep folks safe on the roadways.

Frequently, however, individuals who receive Speeding tickets (and other traffic citations) choose not to get a lawyer and instead handle the case on their own (or pro se.) While there is nothing legally (or ethically) wrong with the handling of a traffic ticket oneself, a lawyer should know the procedures and local rules of a jurisdiction where the ticket may be docketed (and potentially help obtain a favorable outcome).  Additionally, a lawyer should be able to advise the driver about any potential point increase on their driving record and other risks associated with just “paying off a ticket.”  “Paying off a ticket” is equal to being found guilty of the alleged traffic infraction. 

Commercial Drivers (those having Commercial Driver’s Licenses or C.D.L.) also need to be extremely careful as states (such as Tennessee) are cracking down on these special license holders.  C.D.L. drivers should always consult with a lawyer before handling any Speeding ticket or traffic citation because such offenses could potentially lead to disastrous consequences for the C.D.L. holder.

If you receive a Speeding ticket or any other traffic citation please contact a knowledgeable lawyer to help advise you on the situation.  Furthermore, if you receive a Speeding ticket or traffic citation in Tennessee please feel free to contact the lawyers of Oberman & Rice.  With over 80 years combined experience, the law partners of Oberman & Rice are ready to answer your questions about any ramifications a Speeding ticket may have on your driving record.  Our lawyers may be contacted by calling (865) 249-7200 or by email at and of the following:, or      

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THP set to combat distracted drivers with “Operation Incognito”

Drivers on the roads throughout Tennessee who are preparing for the Holiday Season need to be mindful as the Tennessee Highway Patrol initiates “Operation Incognito”. The campaign started on November 11 and plans to run through November 17.

The initiative’s goal is to combat distracted driving (texting while driving, etc.) on the roads of Tennessee. As THSO Director Vic Donoho states, “The primary focus of Operation Incognito is to reduce distracted driving, serious injury traffic crashes, and fatalities.”   Additionally, THSO Director Vic Donoho goes on to say that some secondary goals of “Operation Incognito” will be for the Tennessee Highway Patrol to saturate construction zones and attempt to increase driver’s awareness for utility maintenance zones.

The DUI defense lawyers at Oberman & Rice are always willing to help those who may receive any traffic citations during the Operation Incognito campaign and beyond. Traffic violations (if convicted) can add points to your driver’s license and cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket. Before you pay off a traffic citation and receive a conviction, it is important to discuss with a lawyer any potential penalties and consequences. Please review our website for more information or call us with questions at (865) 249-7200. Our lawyers are available 24/7.


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Tennessee Legislature Addresses “Self Driving” Cars

If you have watched the news lately, you have probably heard of the automobile giant called Tesla. Tesla is famous for its work toward developing automated cars that operate without the need for a human driver. As one could imagine, vehicles driven without a person in total control behind the wheel could be potentially dangerous—there is always a risk of some sort of malfunction with the automated system or the driver being unresponsive to the warning messages from the automated system. One such example of this issue has already arisen in Ohio. In fact, even Tesla itself released a video warning of the potential dangers of the self-driven vehicles. States have started to take notice of these self-driving vehicles and some States have even started passing laws aimed at these types of automobiles.

For example, a new law that took affect in Tennessee on July 6, 2017, sets out requirements for operating an “Automated Driving System” or “ADS”. The “Automated Vehicles Act” as created by the Tennessee Legislature in Public Chapter No. 474 sets forth certain requirements in order for such ADS enabled vehicles to lawfully operate on Tennessee roads. This statute aims to lay out restrictions on ADS vehicles as well as determine liabilities for the ADS operated vehicles.

Interestingly, if the requirements for an ADS set forth by the statute are not followed, it is a Class A Misdemeanor for a person to knowingly operate the vehicle without a human driver in the driver’s seat, punishable up to 11 month and 29 days in jail. As more options become available for ADS vehicles, those who are interested in utilizing the technology must be vigilant to ensure their vehicles comply with the statutory requirements.

Anyone charged with a traffic offense or arrested for DUI, or another related charge, should immediately contact a Tennessee DUI lawyer familiar with Tennessee DUI laws.  For more information about the crime of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or about traffic offenses, SteveSara, or AZ are available by calling 865-249-7200.  You may also wish to visit for more information about the offense of driving under the influence in Tennessee. The DUI Defense attorneys at Oberman & Rice are available to speak with you 24/7.

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