Posts Tagged Tennessee Highway Patrol
THP set to combat distracted drivers with “Operation Incognito”
Posted by Arrin Zadeh in Court Procedures, criminal offense, Driver License Reinstatement, Frequently Asked Questions, Legal Rights, Tennessee Driver's License, THP, Traffic Citations, Traffic Ticket, Uncategorized on November 13th, 2018
Drivers on the roads throughout Tennessee who are preparing for the Holiday Season need to be mindful as the Tennessee Highway Patrol initiates “Operation Incognito”. The campaign started on November 11 and plans to run through November 17.
The initiative’s goal is to combat distracted driving (texting while driving, etc.) on the roads of Tennessee. As THSO Director Vic Donoho states, “The primary focus of Operation Incognito is to reduce distracted driving, serious injury traffic crashes, and fatalities.” Additionally, THSO Director Vic Donoho goes on to say that some secondary goals of “Operation Incognito” will be for the Tennessee Highway Patrol to saturate construction zones and attempt to increase driver’s awareness for utility maintenance zones.
The DUI defense lawyers at Oberman & Rice are always willing to help those who may receive any traffic citations during the Operation Incognito campaign and beyond. Traffic violations (if convicted) can add points to your driver’s license and cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket. Before you pay off a traffic citation and receive a conviction, it is important to discuss with a lawyer any potential penalties and consequences. Please review our website for more information or call us with questions at (865) 249-7200. Our lawyers are available 24/7.
Increased Roadway Patrols for Holiday Season
Posted by Sara Compher-Rice in Frequently Asked Questions, Legal Rights, Tennessee DUI Checkpoints, Tennessee DUI News on December 21st, 2012
For many, alcohol consumption is an integral part of holiday celebrations. As a result, law enforcement often increases patrols and enforcement for impaired drivers. In fact, the Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) has announced plans to “step up enforcement,” that includes “saturation patrols, bar and tavern checks, and driver license and sobriety checkpoints.” Please click here for more information on the 2012 THP Holiday Enforcement efforts.
If your holiday celebration includes alcohol consumption, it is important to understand how your consumption may impair your ability to drive. Oberman & Rice encourages you to celebrate safely and be certain to have a designated driver who is not drinking alcohol or taking any medications or drugs. Be prepared with contact information for cab companies. AAA even offers a unique “Tow to Go” program as a last resort for impaired drivers. Subject to availability, a AAA tow truck will tow and you and your vehicle to a safe location within a 10-mile radius at no cost.
It is also important that you know your rights, as well as Tennessee law relating to DUI. For instance, under certain circumstances, you may be arrested for DUI while in a parked vehicle, even if you have not driven the vehicle. Further, should you conclude that you are not too impaired to operate a vehicle, a law enforcement officer may reach a different conclusion. Should you be suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicant, you may find yourself with questions relating to the Tennessee DUI laws, such as:
- Am I required to take the field sobriety tests?
- Do I have a legal right to refuse a breath or blood test (chemical test)?
- Do I have a right to select between a blood or breath test?
- Do I have a right to consult with my lawyer prior to taking field sobriety tests or a chemical test?
- Do I have a right to obtain my own blood alcohol test?
We would encourage you to visit our website at for the detailed answers to these and many other frequently asked questions relating to a TN DUI traffic stop. Feel free to also call Steve or Sara with any questions at 865-249-7200.