New TN Ignition Interlock Device Laws — Part 2

Part 2: Mandatory Tennessee Ignition Interlock Device Requirement For Offenders With Prior DUI Convictions

A person convicted of Tennessee DUI, who also has a prior DUI conviction in the past 5 years will also be required to install an ignition interlock device.  In this instance, the ignition interlock device must be installed on the person’s vehicle during the period of license revocation and for an additional 6 months after the expiration of the revocation period.

A person convicted of a Tennessee DUI 2nd Offense will also be required to install an ignition interlock device during the second year of the 2-year suspension (the person is not eligible to drive at all during the first year).  If the person’s prior DUI conviction was within 5 years of the current offense, the person will also be required to maintain the ignition interlock device on his vehicle for a period of 6 months after the expiration of the Tennessee driver’s license revocation period.

Part 3 of the blog series examining the Tennessee Ignition Interlock Device requirements for Tennessee DUI offenders will focus on when the requirement can be ordered at the court’s discretion.  Should you have any questions about how the new Tennessee DUI laws may apply to your case, please feel free to contact Knoxville, TN DUI lawyers Steve Oberman and Sara Compher-Rice at (865) 249-7200.

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  1. #1 by Eric Myers - May 18th, 2011 at 01:43

    Interesting article. I live in Washington where similar laws have been in effect for a while. I think it is good to keep our roads safe, but I think it might be a bit much to make an ignition interlock mandatory for every first offense.

  2. #2 by Casey - January 29th, 2013 at 09:07

    I went the 2 years and 6 months with no license so would I still have to have the device installed in my car in order to get my license back?

  3. #3 by Sara Compher-Rice - January 29th, 2013 at 15:43

    Depending upon the facts of your case and the dates of your convictions, the Tennessee Department of Safety (TDOS) may require the use of an ignition interlock device once your license is reinstated. I suggest you contact the TDOS to see if the device will be required prior to reinstatement (or as part of your reinstatement).

  4. #4 by Sherry - July 24th, 2013 at 23:27

    If a person has a revoked/suspended Driver’s license and they get charged and convicted of a 2nd offense DUI while they are suspended, how are they given an interlock device and able to drive. I am kind of confused on how this works.

  5. #5 by Sara Compher-Rice - September 8th, 2013 at 13:12

    If convicted after July 1, 2013, the law now allows for a restricted license with an ignition interlock device during the period of suspension. Other restrictions may also apply. Please contact us for further information. Steve Oberman

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